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Cara Akuisisi Dan Konsolidasi Tubuh Usaha

There are quite a lot of companies which combine with other companies for a particular purpose, the combination may be between a state-owned company and another state-owned company, between a state-owned company and a private company, or the most common is between a private cornpany and another private company.

Cukup banyak tubuh perjuangan yang melaksanakan penggabungan dengan tubuh perjuangan lain untuk tujuan tertentu, baik BUMN dengan BUMN, BUMN dengan BUMS atau yang paling banyak antar BUMS.

The combination of companies is often referred to as mergei. A merger is joining together of two or more companies, whether or not the orisinil companies still stand.

Penggabungan tubuh perjuangan sering disebut merger. Merger yaitu penggabungan dua buah tubuh perjuangan atau lebih menjadi satu baik perusahaan asal masih berdiri atau tidak. A merger can be done in two ways, namely acquisition and consolidation.

Merger sanggup dilakukan dengan dua cara yaitu akuisisi dan konsolidasi.
1. Acquisition is the take over of another company by buying most of its shares. The company which acquires another company become the mother company or is often called a holding company. A holding company may also develop because a company builds some subsidiaries not because it buys another company.

Akuisisi yaitu menguasai perusahaan lain dengan membeli sebagian besar sahamnya. Perusahaan yang melaksanakan akuisisi menjadi perusahaan induk atau yang sering disebut dengan holding company. Holding company sanggup juga dikarenakan mendirikan anak perusahaan, tidak alasannya yaitu membeli dan menguasai perusahan lain.

2. Consolidation is the joining together of two or more companies whereby the other company is closed down or all the companies are closed down to form a new company.

Konsolidasi yaitu penggabungan dua buah tubuh perjuangan atau lebih menjadi satu unit perjuangan saja atau perusahaan alasannya yaitu salah satunya dimatikan atau dua-duanya beralih menjadi satu unit perjuangan baru.

The forms of companies which result from mergers, among others are as follows.
Bentuk-bentuk tubuh perjuangan akhir adanya merger antara lain sebagai diberikut.

A. Trust, is the joining together of several companies which are merged into a new company which is larger and stronger During the monetary crisis in 1998, many banks in Indonesia collapsed. Some of them were closed down and liquidated. Bank Bumi Daya, Bank Expor Impor (Exim), Bank Pembangunan Indonesia (Bapindo), and Bank Dagang Negara were finally merged into Bank Mandiri.

In the United States, trusts are prohibited by the Antritrust Act.

Trust, ialah adonan dari beberapa tubuh perjuangan yang dilebur menjadi satu tubuh perjuangan yang lebih besar dan lebih kuat. Pada tahun 1998 ketika terjadi krisis moneter, banyak bank-bank di Indonesia yang kolaps.

Beberapa bank ditutup dan dilikuidasi. Bank Bumi Daya, Bank Expor Impor (Exim), Bank Pembangunan Indonesia (Bapindo) dan Bank Dagang Negara alhasil dilebur menjadi Bank Mandiri. Di Amerika Serikat trust dihentikan dengan UU Antitrust.

B. Cartel is an agreement made by several companies whose products are similar. A cartel is made to reduce competition. A cartel may be:

Kartel yaitu komitmen dari beberapa tubuh perjuangan yang produknya sama. Kartel dilakukan untuk mengurangi persaingan. Kartel sanggup berupa:

1. Price cartel -Kartel harga.

That is an agreement among several companies about a minimum sales price. The minimum sales price is agreed upon in order to preyent the cartel members from selling under the minimum sales price that has been agreed upon;

Kartel harga: komitmen beberapa tubuh perjuangan ihwal harga jual minimum. Harga jual minimum dibentuk komitmen supaya tubuh perjuangan yang menjadi anggota kartel harga tidak menjual di bawah harga minimum yang disahkan;

2. Condition cartel - Kartel syarat

This is an agreement on the conditions of payment and delivery at the purchase transactions or when payment is made by the buyer.

Kesepakatan syarat pembayaran dan penyerahan barang ketika transaksi pembelian dan penerimaan pelunasan dari pembeli.  
3. Production cartel - Kartel Produksi

Production cartel is an agreement among several companies concerning the quota of production in order to prevent over supply in the market which may cause the price to drop. 

Kartel produksi: komitmen beberapa tubuh perjuangan ihwal jumlah kuota produksi dengan tujuan supaya pasar tidak kelebihan produk yang sanggup menjatuhkan harga produk.

4. Regional cartel - Kartel daerah.

Regional cartel that is an agreement about marketing areas and areas of raw material purchase to prevent competition and fights.
Kartel daerah, komitmen kawasan pemamasukan dan pembelian materi baku supaya tidak terjadi persaingan dan perebutan.

C. Concern, g is joining together of several companies to make their expenses m.ore efficient. For example, some companies join togethir to pay consultants and researchers or to buy raw materials in a large quantity together. The expenses on research and raw materials can be pressed down by forming a concern.

Concern, ialah adonan beberapa tubuh perjuangan untuk menyiasati efisiensi biaya yang dikeluarkan. misalnya, beberapa perusahaan bergabung untuk membayar konsultan dan peneliti atau membeli materi baku secara bantu-membantu dalam jumlah besar. Biaya penelitiani dan biaya materi baku sanggup ditekan dengan adanya concern.

D. Joint venture, is a new company which is built by several companies. For example, some cellular telephone operators in Asia such as Maxis of Malaysia, Telkomsel of Indonesia, Sing Tel of Singapore, Globe Telecom, Taiwan Cellular Corporation, Bharli of India and Ophus of Australia built Bridge Mobile Alliance which allows the customers of the joint i venture to enjoy a low rate of ca11 to another member country.

Joint venture ialah tubuh perjuangan gres yang didirikan oleh beberapa baclan usaha. Sebagai tumpuan beberapa perusahaan operator telepon seluier di Asia yaitu Maxis Malaysia, Telkomsel Indonesia, Sing Tel Singapura, Globe Telecom, Taiwan Celluler Corporation, Bharli India dan ditambah Ophus Australia mendirikan Bridge Mobile Alliance dengan tujuan pelanggan anggota joint venture sanggup tarif murah menghubungi (menelpon) ke negara negara anggota lainnya.

A cooperative is also a form of company besides state-owned companies and private companies.
Koperasi juga ialah salah satu bentuk tubuh perjuangan selain BUMN dan BUMS.  
According to Law No. 12 of 1992 Concerning Cooperatives, a cooperative is a company whose members are individuals or cooperative companies and whose activities are based on the principles of cooperatives while at the same time it acts as a people economic movement which is based on familial principles.

 There are quite a lot of companies which combine with other companies for a particular pu Teknik Akuisisi dan Konsolidasi Badan Usaha

One of the things which differentiates a cooperative from other forms of companies is that the capital comes from the members by means of basic contributions, obligatory deposits, and voluntary deposits. The profit is distributed among all members based on the members' deposit service or other services such as loan consultation service or purchase of goods from the cooperative. A more detailed discussion about cooperatives will be presented in Chapter 7.

Menurut UU No. 12 tahun 1992 ihwal Perkoperasian, koperasi yaitu tubuh perjuangan yang beranggotakan orang-orang atau tubuh aturan koperasi dengan melandaskan kegiatannya pada prinsip koperasi sekaligus sebagai gerakan ekonomi rakyat yang menurut atas asas kekeluargaan.

Satlah satu hal yang membedakan koperasi dengan bentuk tubuh perjuangan lainnya yaitu koperasi dimodali oleh tiruana anggotanya melalui adanya simpanan pokok, simpanan wajib (whu) dan simpanan sukarela. Keuntungannya dibagikan kepada seluruh anggota menurut besarnya jasa simpanan maupun jasa yang lain sepertijasa konsultasi peminjaman maupun jasa pembelian barang di koperasi. lebih detil ihwal koperasi akan dibahas di Bab 7.

Sumber Pustaka: CV. Yrama Widya

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